KABUL: Another 18 female students have been hospitalized after falling ill in the Panjab district of central Bamyan province, an official said.
The students belonged to the Akhzarart Girls School and were being treated at the district’s hospital.
Abu Zar Mutaqi, the Panjab hospital’s director, told Pajhwok Afghan News four students were in critical condition.
“The students feel nauseous and dizzy, and are screaming, the same signs as of the previous incidents that took place in the district.”
The school is 40 kilometres from the district centre.
Also yesterday, 27 students fell ill in Pai Bum School and another 60 students were poisoned in the district’s main female school.
Parents have expressed deep concerns over the incidents. The governor’s spokesman, Abdul Rahman Ahmadi, said the cause of the mass illness remained unknown.
He said blood samples of the affected girls would be sent to Kabul to ascertain what had happened to the students.
Last year, officials said they had sent blood samples of poisoned students to Germany, but nothing could be ascertained. (PAN)