AT-KABUL: The National Solidarity Program (NSP) completed 37 development projects in various parts of Daikundi Province.
NSP in a media statement issued here said that the projects included construction of irrigation canals 1,418 meters in length, protection walls, gabion walls, 155 public baths, culverts, sidewalks, extension of a water supply network, gravelling and excavation of 46 wells equipped with hand pumps.
These projects were completed at cost of Afs 35,800,000 funded by the NSP of the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development with 10 percent community contribution.
The statement also said that approximately, 6,026 families in different communities had an opportunity to gain access to basic human needs upon completion of these projects.
Since NSP’s inauguration in Daikundi province, it has executed 1,135 uplift projects in different sectors including transport, water and sanitation, irrigation, power, livelihoods, education and still work is going on over hundreds of others projects.