The Afghan masses are deeply worrying over mounting insecurity throughout the country, leaving them in deep uncertainty as security situation is getting worse from bad. This also poses great risk to the upcoming elections, as people prefer not to participate in voting days, unless, the government take immediate stringent action to downsize security threats. At the moment, there is no single province in the whole country to be called safe. Peace remained elusive besides over 16 years passed since the fall of the Taliban insurgents. There has been tough fight continuing against insurgents in seven provinces. Security forces engaged in battles against evil forces to remove security threats. Anti-militants operation is on card in five districts of Ghazni province. Meanwhile, government forces are fighting insurgents in Jawzjan, Badghis, Farah, Helmand and Uruzgan provinces. It is worth mentioning that there is fighting in all 11 districts of Faryab province where only centers and police headquarters are under government’s control while villages have fallen to the militants. As a whole, insecurity has been threatening all the Afghan masses, and this vicious cycle have to be ended. The Taliban and Islamic Sate (IS) “Daesh” extremist groups are the main driver of the insecurity with no hesitation even to kill civilians, including women and children in pursing the evil goals of their masters, living outside the country. It is clear that the Taliban leadership continues to receive protection from the Pakistani military and intelligence establishment. It stands to reason that without an external sanctuary, sustainable funding, weapons supplies, and intelligence support in Pakistan, the Taliban insurgents would be unable to reconsolidate its control over Afghanistan. In Farah offensive, Iran was become second Pakistan and come up to the fore with major support to the Taliban militants. This is the government’s responsibility to deal with the issue through diplomatic channels, or in case of need, military tool could be significant. A large-scale military operation is need of the hour to kill the Pakistan-and-Iran-backed Taliban insurgents. Anyways, the oldest and simplest justification for government is as protector, protecting citizens from violence. When Taliban and Daesh by support of neighboring countries, are hell-bent on killing Afghan mass, it is moral obligation of the security agencies to do everything under its capacity to safeguard civilians. The ongoing war has been taking high toll on them, and no more room left for them to bear the brunt of casualties of their dearest and nearest one in different acts of violence.