AT News Report-KabuL: Local authorities began Saturday a campaign to administer anti-polio and smallpox vaccines to children in eastern Nangarhar province, which is expected to continue for ten days.
Nangarhar Provincial Health Directorate in a statement aid that it has started a ten days anti-polio and small pox vaccination campaign, which through around 813000 children will be vaccinated against the mentioned diseases.
Deputy of Nangarhar Provincial Health Directorate Dr. Sahak said that children from age of 9 months till 10 years will be vaccinated during this campaign in center and different district of the province.
He said that the difference between the current ANSV and the past ANSV campaigns is that the vaccinators will be present in mosques; tribal elder’s homes and schools in order to vaccinate children.
In order to prevent aforementioneddisease people must not miss the campaign to have health children, he noted.