AT News Reports
KABUL: After a longtime of dispute in the parliament over electing the speaker, on Monday, its members have finally been able to end the disagreement and reach a conclusion on it.
The chaos erupted after Kamal Nasir Usuli and Mir Rahman Rahmani were competing for the speaker position of the parliament. Rahmani secure 124 votes and his challenger Usuli was voted 55, but one of Rahmani’s votes had a dot on it, which was unacceptable for his challenger Usuli.
On Monday, a ballot box was set up in the house to declare the destination of the invalided vote, in which at least 102 votes from 229, declared the one controversial vote invalided.
Meanwhile, Abdul Qader Zazai, secretary of the parliament said the lawmakers were only able to select the one option for the controversial vote –valid or invalided.
This is as, on Jun 19th, the verbal dispute in the parliament among the supporters of Usuli and Rahmani leaded to physical violence.
Also, a lawmaker, Maryam Sama had earlier said that at least 102 member of the Wolesi Jirga demanded for the next round of election, between new candidates.