AT-KABUL: Terming rule of law and implementation of the Constitution as the main way to overcome violence against women in the country, a number of women’s rights organizations on Tuesday prodded the government to punish perpetrators of violence against women and end culture of impunity in Afghanistan.
A session organized by the National Organization of Adversary Women in Afghanistan (NOAWA) and Social and Cultural Organization of Mumtaz Begum (SCOMB) issued a resolution where they said that condemning the cases of violence against women would not heal the wounds of Afghan women and would not put a full stop to violence against women in the country; therefore, the government should come up with proper and practical measures in this regard, and the end the culture of impunity.
“We urge the leaders of the national unity government not to bring any excuses in supporting women’s rights and implementation of the Constitution in punishing perpetrators. The dossiers of cases of violence against women should be assessed by judiciaries and the perpetrators should be punished,” said Tahmina Shuja, the head of SCOMB.
It comes as several cases of violence against women have occurred in past few days including murder, gang rape, torture and beating of women.
According to information by the Women’s Affairs Ministry, more than 4,000 cases of violence against women were registered in current solar year, including 100 rape cases.
Terming recent cases of violence against women in the country as shocking, Anarkali Hunaryar, member of Women’s Affairs Commission, urged the government bring perpetrators to justice.
“We have witnessed violent cases against women in recent days, therefore we request the government to take serious steps in this regard and those who commit violence against women,” she said.
She added that rule of law, fight against endemic corruption, rising public awareness and monitoring the rule of law are the ways through which the government would be able to overcome violence against women in the country.
A number of critics believe that to eliminate violence against women, the government should establish an inclusive strategy and increase share of women in the cabinet.