AT News
KABUL: Vice President Mohammad Sarwar Danesh, reacted to a decision made by the statistics department to include different tribes in the electronic ID card.
“What the national statistics department published to include tribes in the electronic ID card is an unprofessional task. That’s right that Afghanistan is a multi-ethnic country and this is part of our social and cultural beauty and each ethnicity has the right to be recognized with its identity, but this is wrong to introduce the branches of an ethnic group as an independent ethnicity. Introducing of ethnic identities requires a scientific, professional and historic task and decisions should not be made hastily,” Danesh’s office said Saturday in a statement.
The statement said that President Ghani assigned a commission in 2017 to work on the ethnic groups but the commission only decided on the Sadat ethnic group and it was recognized as an independent ethnicity by an official order.
“For other ethnic groups we also need to make scientific and historic research and make decision based on the research, otherwise, hastily decisions could bring the government under question and make further rifts and distrusts between people.”
Danesh has called on the statistics department to review its decision.
The people also think that including of small tribal branches would expand tribal discriminations. They criticize the statistics department for only separating non-Pashtun ethnic groups, while all Pashtun branches are written by a single ethnic group in the electronic ID card.