AT-KABUL: Weesa, a local newspaper, celebrated its 10th anniversary on Saturday. The event was attended by high ranking officials, senior journalists and members of civil society organizations.
Editor-in-Chief of Daily Weesa, Mohammad Zubair Shafiqi, said that Wessa is a local bilingual paper being published in Kabul and distributed in the capital and several other provinces of Afghanistan.
According to him, the paper follows the slogan of ‘Afghanistan is the home for Afghans’. He said that newspaper is trying to provide accurate information to the public, while considering impartiality in its activities.
Asked about problems faced by paper, he said that they have been faced with common problems for journalists including security threats and lack of access to information.
Freedom of speech is one of the main achievements of the government in past 13 years. During this period, tens of TV and radio channels and newspapers were established. The former President Hamid Karzai was one of the main supporters of freedom of expression during his tenure.