AT-KABUL: President Ashraf Ghani in an unprecedented move on Thursday announced a temporary unilateral ceasefire with all Afghan Taliban groups including the Haqqani Network in the country, the first of its kind in the past 17 years.
“The Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan announces ceasefire from the 27th of Ramadan until the fifth day of Eid-ul-Fitr following the historic ruling [Fatwa] of the Afghan Ulema” president said, while referring to the Fatwa declared by more than 3,000 Afghan Ulema this week, to denounce Taliban war as “illegitimate” and asked them to accept Kabul’s peace offer.
Afghan national defense and security forces will only stop offensive maneuvers against Afghan armed Taliban and will continue to target Daesh and other foreign backed terrorist organizations and their affiliates in the country, the president said.
“This ceasefire is an opportunity for Taliban to introspect that their violent campaign is not wining them hearts and minds but further alienating the Afghan people from their cause” president said.
Afghan security ministries, High Peace Council welcomed and supported the ceasefire.
US forces in Afghanistan, who are carrying out the important parts of the airstrikes vowed to also “honor” Afghan president’s declared ceasefire.
All foreign terrorist groups including al-Qaeda and Daesh are not parts of this ceasefire and Afghan forces will continue their attacks against them.
Dr. Aniruddha Babar, Academician and Independent Researcher. Director, "Project Constitutional Justice- A People's Initiative", Tuensang, State of Nagaland, India.