‘No excuses will be acceptable in presidential election’
By Farhad Naibkhel-KABUL: Afghanistan Protection and Stability Council (APSC) on Wednesday urged the government to schedule the deadline for parliamentary election as soon as possible, warning that no excuses would be tolerated in the election.
“The National Unity Government (NUG) must seriously work over the announcement of parliamentary election,” said Massoud Trishtwal, spokesman for the council.
He said that the government must not put people on perplexity and must make decision for running a free and fair election.
He stated that issuance of electronic ID cards were very important for running the election, thus the government must soon distribute the ID cards.
“Government should not rely on routine works of electoral bodies. It must work seriously for running election as soon as possible,” he added.
“Using of the old voting cards will never solve problems, time should not be wasted anymore.”
Pointing to the next presidential election, he emphasized that no way, except election will be fair to maintain the government.
The next presidential election will be held in 2019.
Trishtwal insisted that any dream for the maintenance of the government without election won’t be interpreted.
“Those pretext such as lack of budget, unfair climate and challenges in electoral bodies, which caused at postponement of parliamentary election, will be never accepted in presidential election,” he asserted.
He said that APSC considered lasting of stability of Afghanistan, thus let the government cross the legal obstacles after two years.
Hinting to ramp up insecurity, Mr. Trishtwal said that “insecurity expanded day by day in very hook across the country.”
He termed reducing of war from an intelligence and outsider war to a tribal one by a number of clusters, tensions, between Delhi and Islamabad as well as tautness between Moscow and Washington are the main reason behind war and sacrifices of innocent people in the country.
Trishtwal called regional ideological war can be another reason for insecurity challenges across the country.
“Afghanistan suffers from lack of a clear program for national security,” he mentioned.
He highlighted that “government administrators never kept consensus over definition of enemy.”
“It is difficult to have two or more views over definition of enemies, whoever kills Afghan army, police and people are enemies of Afghanistan stability.”
He said that there is no doubt the Afghan enmies supporting from outside, but rifts inside government pave them further opportunities to follow their cruelty plans inside the country.
He emphasized that this council never operate as an opposition, but a as a reformer movement, adding that NUG don’t need to opposition, itself is an opposition for own.