Home/Latest Updates/Considering crisis ahead of election only convention of traditional Loya Jirga a solution: Rana think thank
Considering crisis ahead of election only convention of traditional Loya Jirga a solution: Rana think thank
admin September 3, 2018Latest Updates, think tank, WorldComments Off on Considering crisis ahead of election only convention of traditional Loya Jirga a solution: Rana think thank168 Views
AT-KABUL: Experts participated in Rana Think Thank monthly session said that considering current crisis and challenges National Unity Government (NUG) will failed to run free, fair and nationwide parliamentary election, thus convening of traditional Loya Jirga can be the only remedy to cope the issue.
Expert believed that ramp up insecurity, lack of law reinforcement in around 50 of the country, internal and foreign interference in election related issues are the clear sign that the NUG will be failed to run free, fair and nationwide parliamentary election. They imagine that even if a miracle happens and the government runs the election it won’t be a nationwide and transparent election, it will be an election full of fraud, which will undermine the people trust over process for ever as well as won’t be acceptable.
Security situation is going to be worsening day by in Kabul and provinces and the governmental officials only feel their-selves safe behind walls, said Ex-President Hamid Karzai Advisor Shahzada Masoud.
He said that at least over 50 percent people live in the area under control of insurgents, where election can’t be run, when those areas not covered during election, then election can’t be general and nationwide election.
He elaborated that government has control on less than 50 percent of geography of the country and there is no any guaranty that the government will expand it’s under control area, but even government some time loses its under control areas.
Coming up with an example, he said that only central area of Logar the nearest province to capital is under control of government and the Taliban have under control most area of the districts of the province.
He said that poverty is other challenge which increased since establishing of NUG.
Internal and external interference, beside thousands of fake Tazkera and Stickers are the clear sign of fraud in coming election, he noted.
In order to address all issues, traditional Loya Jirga must be convened, he mentioned.
He insisted that Afghan people will have the opportunity to not only solve the election challenges, but all insecurity and external interference issues.
The traditional Loya Jirga is only the remedy at current situation, in which all people including government, political parties, national figures and even dissident (Taliban) invite and make decision to rescue the country from crisis, he asserted.
He clarified that Afghanistan is in a situation, which want relationship with all world countries, but in a frame of mutual respect.
Pointing to regional issues, he said that in 2001, when US forces came to Afghanistan all region countries were agreed, even NATO supplies used the Russia routes to reach Afghanistan, but recently the situation changed.
He said that we don’t want the Afghanistan change the ground of battle for world powers.
Also it is impossible to win the ongoing war through fighting, so only the way is traditional Loya Jirga to be acceptable for all, he added.
Ex- Advisor to the President Ghani and former Kabul and Badghis Governor Ahmadullah Alizai said convention of traditional Loya Jirga is a proper solution for current crisis, when there is no possibility for running free, fair and nationwide election in the country.
He insisted that all segments of people must be involved in running of traditional Loya Jirga.
Pointing to rump up discord issue he termed it the main reason, which will lead the country catastrophe.
He called on all people particularly youth to hold efforts in order to rescue the country.
Number of participants in the session, while supporting convention of traditional Loya Jirga, called running of 3rd Bonn conference another clue to overcome current challenges in Afghanistan