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Editorial: End up crimes

A wide range of anger has observed against the heart-wrenching, and homicidal incident of killing 10-members of a family on Friday night in Khiarkhana area of Kabul’s Police District 15th at the hands of illegal armed men. Four women, four children, and two men were among the dead, and two others sustained injuries. The sad news spread everywhere like fire in forest and stole smiles of many including us. Anyways, thumb up to the police forces for its quick action. According to news police force has detained three suspects on Kabul-Baghlan highway while escaping the area. The detainees were identified as culprits by the victim family. Based on reports, one among the inhuman culprits was recently jailed on charges of two murders, but he was released from police custody within a short time, which gives birth to several questions on our judicial and justice system. Unfortunately, many among us do not realize pain of others. But it was a common pain and threat, creating uncertainty for the whole community. If such type of situation continues, no one is safe at the hands of criminal gangs, and crimes rate would be further increased. No doubt, crimes exist everywhere in the world throughout the history. In recent time contract killings, assassinations, kidnapping, drug trafficking, armed robbery, car thefts and some other types of street crimes rate has significantly increased in capital-Kabul and other parts of the country, putting the citizens peaceful lives and human rights in danger, and uncertainty leads to shake their confidence in government’s institutions. The law enforcement in the country is one of the three major components of the nation’s criminal justice system. The Afghan national police which include Afghan National Civil Order Police are the police force of the country with jurisdiction that covers the entire 34 provinces of the country, and responsible for maintaining law and order situations. The duty of the Afghan National Civil Order Police is to provide civil order presence patrols, prevent violent public incidents and provide crises and anti-terror response in urban and metropolitan environments. It’s the responsibility of the government institutions to secure lives and properties of the citizens from all types of danger. Time is ripe for the government and law enforcement agencies to start meaningful crackdown against criminals and all illegal armed individuals in the country. President Ashraf Ghani and judicial organs should take suomoto action of this barbaric incident, and provide justice to the affected family. Police patrolling in their respective districts, and assigned areas must be increased to leave no room for criminal gangs. Criminal laws must be exercised against all those who are involved in organized and unorganized crimes in the country. Killing 10 members of a family would be mere a bad news for many including the government leadership, but it was not less than a doomsday for the affected family. Taking preventive measures on war-footed basis and providing justice to the affected families, and individuals is the legal, and constitutional responsibility of the concerned government institutions, and fundamental right of every citizen. The ball lends into the court of police force—a front line of defense of a state and leadership of the Unity Government. Khiarkhana-like incidents could no more be tolerable, and to prevent such inhuman and saddest incidents, it is the duty of related officials and institutions to use whatever means they have to maintain security of their citizens in general, but to Kabul residents in particular.

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