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Editorial: Kunar under attack once again

The lingering saga of Pakistan’s rocket attacks into Kunar is getting worse with each passing day. Sporadic rocket attacks from Pakistan’s security forces have made life in this eastern province miserable. Pakistan’s hysterical spree of shelling rockets into Kunar has unleashed deaths and destruction where the residents of the province have no other option except to evacuate the areas that usually come under attack. The monstrous attacks pierce the city’s schools, mosques and abodes, as the government is in a state of ‘compromise and hibernation’, instead of raising the issue at the United Nations Security Council. Two women have been wounded in a rocket attack from Pakistan. Governor of the province, Shujaul Mulk says Pakistan’s security forces fired at least 17 rockets into Kunar since Monday night. The rockets landed in different villages of Dangam district. The current spate of rocket attacks wounded two women and killed many domestic animals. Since March 21, over 10 people have been killed, 60 others have received injuries, 32 houses reduced to rubbles and over 245 families have left the area because of the sporadic rocket attacks. The strategy which the Afghan government has taken over the issue is no strategy at all as sometimes the government either looks hapless, deliberately tight lipped or just an onlooker. Should the government take this issue at the UN and other international forums, it will mount pressure on Pakistan.

Ever since Pakistan had started such attacks, the Afghan government has always been subjected to severe criticism and pressure from its citizens, particularly from Kunar dwellers.
Afghanistan’s duplicitous neighbor has devised a new game of rampage and instigating people against their very own government. Back somewhere at its apex, the people of Kunar, being enraged by these deadly rocket attacks, declared war on Pakistan. Religious scholars of the province issued a fatwa (canon) wherein they said that defending oneself against aggression is permissible therefore the people of Kunar should take up arms and wage war on Pakistani troops. Even despite that Kabul didn’t come into move. Perhaps Kabul believes that it cannot order its forces or the people of Kunar to wage war on the other side of the Durand Line because there live Afghans (current day tribesmen in FATA). It reveals that Kabul has always adopted a humanly and truly nationalist stance. But what is the problem with diplomatic ways and means? Why Kabul has not raised the issue at the UN, so far? �Moreover, what does BSA says about foreign aggression and where does stand the rocket saga? Does it come under the definition of foreign aggression or not? For the United States, BSA is not a defense pact which would commit the US to defend Afghanistan if Afghan soil and people come under attack by another state. For the US the text only say that Washington shall regard with grave concern any foreign aggression or threat of foreign aggression. The BSA also says that in case of any external aggression Afghanistan and the US would work together to develop an appropriate response, including considering, political, military and economic measures. �But Afghans interpret the BSA somehow like a defense pact. However, unfortunately until now Kabul and Washington haven’t developed an appropriate response together—neither political nor military. The people of this troubled country want to know why there is silence over the ongoing rocket attacks and the unsung miseries of Kunaris.

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