We are still coming together to exchange views and discuss the possible ways that could end the war. We are doing this in the past several years. So far nothing has achieved. The Afghan leaders all time expressed readiness to work, actually to work hard to achieve this noble cause. One thing is very much acknowledged that the Afghans have been the worst victim of the ongoing four decades of war. Indeed, no patriotic person will ever want their country to be intervened by foreigners or accept foreign troops in their soil – this is just a matter of time, and the need of the hour. The Afghans want an end to the foreign presence and of course regional state’s meddling into affairs of our country. We want foreign forces to pull out of Afghanistan in a complete, systematic and in a responsible way. Before this happens, there is an urgent need that our neighbors and the regional countries should see Afghanistan as an impartial country – an independent state that must be respected based on mutual interests – the region can’t reach peace and stability sans a peaceful Afghanistan. Those who are bringing foreign troops as a great obstacle must bear in mind that they are not forever here. Once we are able to end the war and reach peace among ourselves, they will leave. Even today, the US is insisting on May 1st troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. But we are prolonging their stay through continuation of war. It’s the best chance and a historic moment for the Afghans and the Taliban to come up with an honest approach to form an all-inclusive setup to defend territorial integrity, national independence and national unity of Afghanistan. We need to iron out our differences and use the upcoming meetings in Turkey and Russia in the most proper way to end our distinction for the sake of a dignified peace. Once we are all mobilized, it can reverberate on an epic scale. A national mobilization will have effects on such colossal national issues as peace and reconciliation, development, elections and Constitutional reforms and can help put an end to the conflict. I don’t see a promising future for our country sans national mobilizations. In one sentence, peace does not mean going back to dark past days or it means recalling bitter memories. Peace means to live in such an environment where everyone should feel safe and secure.