AT-KABUL: The Independent Election Commission said it was workingto solve people’s concerns over the stickers on their ID cards as the matter has raised security fears in the insecure remote areas.
Sayed Hafizullah Hashemi, a member of the commission said Monday they would find a solution to the national concerns.
“We have already held informal discussions to find a logic way to remove the concerns and meanwhile prevent frauds,” Hashemi said.
Members of parliament, civil society and people are worried about their security since the election commission has decided to attach stickers on the cover of the voters’ ID cards.
They say that Taliban and other armed groups are active in a number of the areas who warn people not to vote, and having stickers on the ID cards would threaten their lives.
People in insecure areas such as Logar province have been threatened by the opposition groups and this has discouraged them to attend the October legislative election.
Over one million people have registered since the process began in April, a number that has been considered not enough. Targeting voter registration centers is another issue that discourages people to register and vote.
The deadliest attack on a center in Dasht-e-Barchi neighborhood of Kabul and the latest one in Khost left dozens killed and injured.
Interior ministry assures people of providing security at the registration centers. “We deploy police troops in every registration and voting centers to provide security. The enemies commit terrorist and destructive attacks, but we do our best to prevent attacks,” said Najib Danesh, spokesman for the interior ministry.
Meanwhile, Younos Fakoor, a political analyst said that people’s less interest in registering and voting was a matter of concern. He warned that if the government does not seriously act to ensure security, the election would not be held on time.