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FMIC int’l scientific conference on “the science of healthcare, access and quality”

“Patients travelling abroad for medical care decreased”

AT News Report

KABUL:Minister of Public Health,FeruzudinFeruz on Saturday said that number of Afghan patients traveling abroad for medical treatment have been declined.

He said this during French Medical Institute for Mothers and Children’s (FMIC)9th annual international scientific conference titled “access and quality”.

The Minister continued that significant progresses have been made in the past four years in health sectors, where most patients with heart diseases, kidney problems and muscular are treating inside the country.”

“Earlier, $270 million was spent by Afghans for medical care in abroad, but now it decreased to $200 million, which reveal a vital change in the aspect,” the minister added.

Beside insecurity, poverty and narcotic, challenges are high ahead of health sectors, but still it has moved toward progress, which is a sign of betterment, he added.

While accepting issue of low quality medicine importing in the country, he said it is not as much as the people are doing its propaganda. “Low quality medicine is smuggling to the country.”

He elaborated that out of one million patients have referred to the governmental hospitals, 900,000 of them were treated and become healthy, who all used medicine of the domestic pharmacies, so this proves that medicine is not as much as low quality.

Toward FMIC annual international scientific conference titled “access and quality,” minister said FMIC run this conference, in which over 100 doctors from USA, Europe and neighboring countries and Afghanistan would be able to share their new experiences in medical care and help Afghans to learn and utilize it inside the country.

According to him, fortunately most of the doctors sharing new experiences are from the country, which itself is other steps of progresses.

While praisingFMIC for launching the“science of healthcare, access and quality,” he said such programs will pave the ground for further progress in health sector across the country.

Ninth Annual International Scientific Conference on Saturday focused on the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)–3 (Good Health and Well-Being) as well as the United Nation’s theme for 2019 World Health Day Celebration (Universal Health Coverage Every One Everywhere), while problematizing trends and dimensions of healthcare in the context of Afghanistan.

During the conference, a total of 107 scientific papers were presented wherein over 300 participants were in attendance.

The one-day conference generated academic discussions on Governance, Population and Public Health; Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health; Clinical Practices; Technology, Research and innovation; Non-Communicable Diseases; Quality, Nursing and Allied Health.

Speakers highlighted FMIC’s initiatives and contribution to improve healthcare in Afghanistan through clinical services and medical education, including Post Graduate Medical Education, eLearning, and other training opportunities for nurses, doctors, and researchers.

Speakers also stated that, multi-stakeholder partnership is instrumental for exchanging knowledge, expertise, as well as technological and financial resources in a bid to evolve better health care system accessible for all in line with the SDGs. They reiterated that such academic events can help Afghanistan’s health sector in identifying areas that deserve concentrated attention, especially maternal and child health. It was indicated by the speakers that with the partners like, Government of Afghanistan, AKDN, French Government, and Government of Canada we can work in close coordination with other development partners, private sector, civil society organizations, international communities, academia, media and all relevant stakeholders to improve health status for all.

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