AT News
KABUL: The Afghan authorities on Monday ruled out opening educational institutions that could have spike the coronavirus cases in the country. According to them, the virus in Afghanistan is at stage of declination and its wild spread has been contained.
Despite slight decrease in the positive number of covid-19 cases, the public health minister, Jawad Osmani in a press conference said that the pandemic still exists. He warned the citizens should behold health recommendations and precautionary measures to prevent the second wave of the virus.
Deputy Minister of Education, Ibrahim Shinwari said that the school principals were instructed to urge the students to wear masks, avoid hand-shakes and hugs. “The monitoring teams bring daily reports from the schools to the in charges about the situations,” he added.
However, the minister of public health was optimistic on handling the further damages of the coronavirus in Afghanistan, said that no country can claim of not facing the second wave of the virus. 80 percent of people in western province of Herat, he said are wearing masks, calling on the rest of the citizens to behold precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the virus in the society.
Last Saturday, the government schools were reopened for the students of grade 1st to 10th after months-long lockdown in Afghanistan.
Previously, the government cabinet has confirmed the reopen of 11th and 12th grades class for the government school students. The private schools were also allowed to teach their students from first to 12th grades but the lockdown remained enforced on the government school students of 1st to 10th classes.