Kabul: The Taliban’s ban on secondary education has already caused girls in Afghanistan to lose 300 days of their studies with devastating consequences for them, their families, and the country’s future, Human Rights Watch, said today in a new video feature.
While yesterday social media published an official letter from the Ministry of Education that on Thursday there will be a press conference on reopening of girl’s school, but a spokesman for the Ministry of Education said the letter is fake.
On September 18, 2021, a month after taking over the country, the Taliban ordered the reopening of boys’ secondary schools but made no mention of girls’ secondary schools. This was interpreted as a ban on girls’ secondary education. In several provinces, under community pressure, Taliban officials allowed girls’ secondary schools to reopen, but the vast majority of these schools remained closed.
On March 21, 2022, the Taliban pledged to reopen all schools on March 23, but on that date, they closed girls’ secondary schools again. An indefinite ban remains in place with no clarity about when or if these schools will reopen.