Kabul: Russian Special Presidential Envoy for Afghanistan and Director of the Foreign Ministry’s Second Asian Department Zamir Kabulov, emphasized the need for regional talks about Afghanistan and said that these talks are not only necessary for building regional consensus, but also for doing something in order to let the current rulers of Afghanistan know that they should listen to us.
Kabulov told the Indian media “The Week” “We do not intend to interfere in Afghanistan’s internal affairs, but what they’re doing is not only damage them, it will also damage us, in terms of terrorism, drugs etc.
He added that Pakistan has the most influence on the Taliban, but Islamabad cannot manipulate it. That is why it is up to us to not exclude Pakistan in Moscow format regional discussions on Afghanistan.
Referring to the recent attacks on China’s interests in Afghanistan, this senior Russian diplomat held the Westerners responsible for the attacks, who are trying to prevent Chinese investment in Afghanistan.
Kabulov also expressed concern about the socio-economic situation of Afghanistan and added “We, of course, try not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. But we cannot hide our disappointment with how the Taliban is handling the situation. They did a great job by kicking out the Americans and the puppet governments, but they haven’t learned how to run a government.”
He stated that there is no challenge to the Taliban’s rule, but this does not mean that such challenges will not arise. The challenges will not be external, but it is the normal reaction of the Afghan people because it will be very difficult for them to survive under the circumstances.