AT News Report
KABUL: The Anti-Corruption Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (MEC) accuses the ministry of mines and petroleum of weak performance in preventing corruption, saying the government entity has not done enough in this regard.
It said on Sunday that the ministry did not have any developments in 191 reforms offered by the committee.
According to MEC, political contract process, illegal de-mining and lack of transparency are three major challenges that had not been attended.
But the ministry of mines and petroleum says it had completed 116 offers, but was not mentioned in the committee report.
The MEC said that only 30 reform offers were implemented by the ministry.
According to MEC, contract procedures were still too long and electronic system was not used in large contracts.
The MEC report says that mine contracts were presented to the cabinet and economic council meetings for approval, adding that discussions over the contracts were not transparent.
A large number of mines and other natural resources are out of government control and are de-mined illegally by powerful armed groups.