AT-KABUL: Hundreds of residents of eastern Nangarhar province staged a peaceful rally in Jalalabad city on Monday in protest of a French satirical magazine which published a caricature of Islam’s Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
Members of the rally demanded closure of the French embassy in Kabul while chanting “Death to France” and burning the French flag.
They also called on the government of France to apologize from Muslims regarding the desecrating act by the Charlie Hebdo magazine for re-publishing Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) caricature.
President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani also strongly condemned the re-publishing of caricature of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) by Charlie Hebdo and called the move as irresponsible.
The latest issue of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo hit newsstands on Wednesday which depicts a drawing of Prophet Mohammad, with a tear rolling down his cheek and a placard that reads ”Je Suis Charlie”.
The issue was created by the surviving staff with supporters saying the caricature on the cover of Charlie Hebdo is a defiant expression of free speech following a terrorist attack on the publication’s Paris offices that killed 12 people on January 7.
The publication of caricature sparked protests across the Muslim world which began after midday prayers Friday, Islam’s holy day.