AT-KABUL: Illegal possession of arms and online advertisements for sale of weapons has caused concerns among people and parliamentarians. Lawmakers in the parliament have called advertisements on the social media as a security threat, asking for serious measures by the government to ban such ads.
“The illegal business of weapons causes increase of theft, terror and panic in the country,” said Keramuddin Rezazada, a member of parliament’s internal security.
“Those who post online ads should be arrested. The people of Afghanistan cannot longer tolerate insecurity and misery.”
He added that celebratory firings show that there are illegal weapons, asking the government to take steps to solve the security problems.
There are ads on the social media especially on Facebook with their quality and price. This has conflicting reactions, as some are interested to buy such weapons while others express worry for their security.
Celebratory firings Friday night for the victory of two Afghan athletes caused huge panic in the Kabul city. Interior ministry acknowledged that people close to elites carried out shootings in the air.
Culture ministry said online ads for arms sale harm people’s mental security, promising legal behaviors with the perpetrators.
Mirza Mohammad Yarmand, a security expert believes that the ads are harmful for the youth’s future. “The people who post these ads should be arrested and this the criminal department’s responsibility to find these people and introduce them to judiciary organs.”