AT-KABUL: Attended by representatives from Russia and the Central Asia Countries, including Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, National Security Advisor Haneef Atmar participated in a security meeting on regional cooperation for counterterrorism and combating organized crime in Tashkent city.
The first ever meeting security officials discussed regional security, counterterrorism, counternarcotic and drug trafficking as well as combating and preventing the organized crime in line with the cooperation of the regional countries. The meeting also discussed Afghanistan peace and stability and regional countries’ efforts.
The participants emphasized that peace in Afghanistan was necessary for regional stability and reiterated their supports of Afghanistan peace and stability process.
Delivering his remarks, NSA Atmar made specific proposals on regional cooperation for counterterrorism, counternarcotic and preventing the organized crimes which was welcomed by the participants.
Meanwhile the meeting decided establishing of working groups to look for implementation of the decisions of the meeting.
The Afghan delegation also held bilateral meetings with Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan security officials, where the aforesaid countries’ representatives emphasized on establishment of specific mechanism for implementation of the decisions and cooperation.
Dr. Aniruddha Babar, Academician and Independent Researcher. Director, "Project Constitutional Justice- A People's Initiative", Tuensang, State of Nagaland, India.