AT News
KABUL: NAI, Supporting the Open Media in Afghanistan said that more than 153 media outlets halted functioning since one last month in 20 of 34 provinces of Afghanistan.
The outlets include radio stations, printing press and TV channels- that halted operation either due to economic problems and restrictions on freedom of speech.
Deputy head of the Afghanistan Federation of Journalists, Hujatullah Mujadadi was quoted by Pajhwok as saying that “If the organizations supporting media do not pay attention to media outlets, soon we will witness the closing of the remaining outlets in the country.”
“The continuation of this trend has created concerns. We urge international organizations to take immediate action to address this problem. Otherwise, soon it will be the end of press freedom and other human and civil liberties,” said Masroor Lutfi, representative of the Afghanistan National Journalists’ Union. This comes as recently a number of journalists have expressed criticism over the Taliban fighter’s conduct towards freedom of press and expression. Earlier, a reporter of Etlat-e-Rooz, who was making a scene of the women protest, was beaten and torture by the Taliban.