By Dr. Matin Royeen
The Beautiful Afghanistan; Why
The Afghan Land has trembled so much for so long
Full of blood and carnage in each side, why
This ancient land, full of history and resilience
That withstood any invader with heart and soul
I remember the simple life, full of peace and beauty
Fifty years ago, it was poor but, full of nobility
Then, the dark clouds of storm of terror
Began to shatter the dream of every child into a nightmare
But, why
The noble people of Afghanistan have been paying a heavy price
For their own freedom and the freedom of the other world
They fought with bare hands, without shoes and with empty stomachs
With full power of their conviction In order to uphold the honor of their elders
Their love of the country and the prize for freedom
Became a testing ground for super powers more than random
They resisted enslavement and fought to shatter the cage
Evident, in brilliant stories of resistance and resilience in every page
But, why now
Fifty nations went inside with their own goals
Only to find out the impossible with heavy tolls
Billions were poured in bottomless holes
That nobody could now find those real jewels
The Afghan nation was allegedly transformed
Into a new beginning with no end in sight
The ravages of terror, destruction and war
Have spread seeds of discord and disunity among all
But why now
You the brave Afghan sons and daughters have endured immeasurably
In your short lives, so much pain and anguish beyond your years
Your mothers, fathers and neighbors have been grieving with heavy punch
In their hearts, with wounded souls for so long and too much
The scenes of terror and savagery have become a daily norm
That your voiceless loved ones have run of tears to properly mourn
Such atrocities committed by those heartless souls
With no humanlike quality, but malicious moles
But why now
Despite all resources poured in to the land of your forefathers
Your beloved nation has lost its own feet to stand on a firm ground
So dependent on the political whims of others beyond the borders
While nations seek their own interests in your backyard full of danger
You the real youths of nation, do not remain aloof and total stranger
To the plight of your brothers and sisters, and the mixed deeds of your leaders
Do not allow the enemy to further sow the seeds of discord and disunity
Stand tall and strengthen the brotherly cords of love across all ethnicity
But why now
This is a critical moment and the right time to console
Your own differences and the evil spirits into one positive whole
Hold each other’s hand and regain your historic ancestral pride
Love of God, human forgiveness and national interest be your guide
You judge your leaders along the lines of the promises by actual deeds
Hold them accountable and help them deliver the societal needs
Do not forget, your leaders are human too without any magical beads
They make mistakes, but should not stay indifference to your pains
But why now
This is the trying moment to confront the absolute truth
That we all live in a political world without principled tooth
The business of politics sold and bought on global markets
That operates like a stock for the sake of deep pockets
Take action, stand together and seek justice
Against those who have inflicted any malice
Your unity of purpose, unity of passion and unity of action
Is the only remedy in your beautiful troubled nation
But why, now
It is time to show your national solidarity and send a message to the world
That they need to take a different measureable principled action against this malice
The global community must acknowledge its mistakes of the past
That used interests over principles in policies, some unjust
We must remind ourselves that violence breads more violence
And an eye for an eye, will soon create a blind society without conscience
This unconventional reign of terror must be stopped at any cost
Through the concerted efforts of the global community at large
But why not now
To stop the carnage of 9/11 that has become daily life
To the point of no return in this evolving strife
The Afghans fought your battles with sacrifice and honor
Do not ever let history forget their valor
This is the defining moment for the globe
To take a collective action towards a peaceful hope
But, most important, you the afghan sons and daughters
Must defeat the demons within and devils without in this holy war.
The writer is living in Chicago, USA, and could be reached at: Email: [email protected]